Who doesn’t love their smartphone, right? This love-affair is a world-wide phenomenon. More than one billion people around the globe are swiping and typing as you read this. The performance values of modern devices are shooting up to new heights: Whether...
Invite your creative team to a brainstorming session, introduce a new employee, prepare participants via email for an up-coming company workshop: There are dozens of email related office tasks to organize each day. The Team & Business Communication Collection...
Full surface backgrounds leave lasting impressions in any inbox. Mail Designer includes Design ideas incorporating this style, giving you a taste of how affective they can work. With Mail Designer and Mail Designer Pro, it’s easy to create this newsletter style....
We all know the problem - Wham bam! The newly installed SSD on your Mac is full to the brim. What’ll you move to the external drive? Normally, video and audio libraries are first in line for emigration. Why not move your iTunes songs to a new home to save some space?...
Is your newsletter distribution list skyrocketing? For a larger target group, it is recommended that newsletters be exported to an email marketing service such as MailChimp. This way it’s much easier to manage recipients as well as review the success of your...
"Users of Mail Chimp and Campaign Monitor know that creating quality emails is difficult and time consuming", says Wesley Dyson of killerappreview.com and highly recommends Mail Designer Pro 2. Especially Mail Designer's mobile preview "is fantastic for previewing...
Microsoft has just released Outlook for iOS, a brand new iOS version of their combined email, calendar and contact management app. Outlook for Windows and Mac is still hugely popular in many enterprise environments, so the iOS version is sure to appeal to a lot of...
VPN Tracker 8, makes it easy and convenient to connect a Mac remotely with a home network via a Fritz!Box. A new device profile for the Fritz!Box router is included with the newest VPN Tracker 8.1 update. In order to setup a VPN connection via a Fritz!Box, it’s...
We've just released an important update for Mail Designer 2 & Mail Designer Pro 2 that fixes an issue with our design delivery service, as well as a few other bugs. Make sure to update before starting your next project. Here's the full list of improvements:...
A new year is a new chance to introduce new ideas and workflows to up-coming projects. The following 5 Mail Designer tips are your kickstart helping your newsletter styles perform optimally in every mailbox. Tip #1: Make 2015 smarter and crisper Meanwhile,...
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