We've made it: iSale 5 is available now!

Some of you may have noticed that we already announced the next release of iSale two weeks ago at Macworld San Francisco. Well, now every customer can take full advantage of the latest and (truly) greatest edition of our online auctioning solution. iSale has a...

VPN Tracker 5 just got that much easier.

Today, we released VPN Tracker 5.0.3. This update takes care of a few issues regarding licensing and the user interface. Firstly, you can now activate an expired demo version using license vouchers. Secondly, after a first time installation, no administrator password...

TubeStick hybrid got "2008 Macsimum Macworld Award"

We're very thrilled that equinux got the "2008 Macsimum Macworld Award "for the newly announced TubeStick hybrid. We're very happy about that and we invite you all to come and check out TubeStick hybrid with its The Tube software and the all new TubeToGo webservice....

If you're going... to Macworld Expo

You already may have noticed, that equinux is at the Macworld Expo this year as well. We're more than happy that so many people came to our booth (S-937) to see our new products - especially TubeStick hybrid with its thrilling new TubeToGo feature. For all of you, who...

The TubeStick hybrid has landed. Where? The U.S.

At this year's Macworld, we announced the launch of the TubeStick hybrid. This small, compact TV receiver allows you to watch digital television, as well as cable television on your Mac. Our TV software, The Tube, is included with every TubeStick hybrid purchase,...

iSale 5 has arrived.

All you iSale 4 fans out there need not wait any longer. We have just released the newest version of our ebay auction management software, iSale 5, at the 2008 Macworld. The new version takes creating auctions and auction management to a whole new level. For starters,...

VPN Tracker 5's New Year Resolution...

In the spirit of the new year, we've had a little time for reflection and decided to add some improvements to VPN Tracker 5. For starters, it is now possible to connect to remote networks that are a supernet of the current local network. System administrators will...

Just a little stocking stuffer for your Mac...

For all of you who are enjoying TubeTalk with The Tube 2.0, we've got some good news: Yesterday, we released The Tube 2.0.1. This maintenance release offers increased stability and adds a few new enhancements to the newest The Tube feature, TubeTalk. For starters,...

So, just a few small changes...

Today we released VPN Tracker 5.0.1. And no, you do not have to pay for this update (that is, if you already have VPN Tracker 5). We didn't make too many changes, but we wanted to fix a few issues and make the demo version easier to use. For starters, DHCP leases will...

The last Thursday in November can only mean one thing...

iSale 4.4.1 has just been released! Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans out there. For those of us not able to stuff our faces with turkey, pie and mashed potatoes, there is something to look forward to: iSale 4.4.1. This new version fixes a problem with...
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