Now that OS X Yosemite Public Beta is out, you're probably wondering which apps work with Yosemite so you can start testing Apple's latest and greatest. The good news: most of your equinux apps already work with OS X Yosemite. Here's the full rundown: Work great...
Quite honestly, what better way is there to watch some of the best football players in world battle it out than in the sun with friends? The problem is that this is only really possible in beer or pub gardens and if we don't want to be squashed next to a pile of...
Unterhaltungselektronik, die begeistert – vom 3. bis 8. September 2010 öffnet die IFA in Berlin wieder ihre Pforten. Auch dieses Jahr ist das Team von equinux mit innovativen TV-Lösungen für iPhone und iPad dabei. Erleben Sie am Stand unseres OEM-Partners Hauppauge...
The team at equinux will be out and about at the IFA consumer electronics unlimited event in Berlin, which runs from 3rd - 8th September. We'll be around the Messe Berlin, showing off our TV viewing solutions for the iPhone and iPad. If you're at the event, come see...
Here's something special for all of you out there thinking about getting a TubeStick TV Tuner for your Mac - The brand new TubeStick Map! TubeStick Map is a brand new resource for all of you out there not sure which digital free-to-air TV Channels you will be able to...