3 things you'll love and hate in iOS 9

iOS 9 will be out today – so how does it measure up? Here are some thoughts and tidbits after a few weeks of playing with it: Love 1.The new keyboard The new keyboard finally shows whether you're typing uppercase/lowercase. 2. iCloud Drive The Finder comes to iOS! No...

Oh Capitan, my Capitan… Compatibility overview for OS X El Capitan

OS X El Capitan is now available as a Public Beta. We've put together a short compatibility overview for you. Here’s a small summary of our experiences so far. Mail Designer: To send or not to send, that is the question. Don't worry with the latest El Capitan beta,...

Ready to Rock! OS X El Capitan compatibility check with Mail Designer

OS X El Capitan has been announced and is now available as a Public Beta. The equinux Development Team took this time to test the stability of Mail Designer and Mail Designer Pro and reports that after the first test, Mail Designer Pro 2 worked flawlessly with Apple’s...
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