Say hello to tizi

Product release day is always an exciting time at equinux. Today is no different. Today's release of tizi is not just a groundbreaking iPhone and iPad release, it's the start of a new era of hardware products for the company. tizi is the perfect complement to your...

Chopsticks at the ready

Have you ever wondered how they use chop sticks to eat ribs in Japan? During his frequent trips to Asia, equinux CEO Till often wonders how equinux apps might fare in the Japanese market. As a company based in Germany and the US and with little experience of Japanese...


Is your Japanese a bit rusty? Read the story of Barbecue in English. equinuxは日本語を始めました(^_^)! 弊社の第一弾としてiPhoneとiPad上でバーベキューが焼けるアップを発売しました。キャンプ場に頻繁に行けないあなたや、焼肉店に毎日行けないあなたにも、心を込めて旨い肉を焼くあの優雅なひと時を提供します。アップはその名も「Barbecue(バーベキュー, iPhone用)」と「Barbecue HD(バーベキュー エイチディー,...

iTunes 10 Tip: Artwork with Music Controls

iTunes 10 introduced a useful, slightly hidden new way to control your music that we think you might enjoy… Start playing a song and make sure the cover artwork view is open in the lower left corner of the iTunes window. Now click the cover artwork to open a larger...
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