Improved sales for the holiday season thanks to mobile friendly newsletter campaigns

The statistics speak for themselves - only those who successfully reach potential customers on their mobile devices, reach their total sales potential. Success lies close at hand: it pays to make your newsletters mobile friendly.

On the Friday after the traditional Thanksgiving turkey has digested, millions of American families dish their yearly savings out on gifts. Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year,  promises juicy gains for the sales industry and gives Americans a chance to start their Christmas and holiday shopping with incredible bargains.




However, this bargain-hunting consumption does not always take place in mega-malls and stores. Based on an IBM report from 2013, more than 40% of Americans search for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals with their smartphones and other mobile devices. Already in 2013, during the holiday season, 13% more marketing emails were sent and the email open rate was up over 50%.


“The email open rate is at 51%during the holiday season!”


Every fifth purchase was conveniently made from on the go via a mobile device (which equals an increase of almost 43% compared to 2012).The online payment service, Paypal, reported a mobile payment growth over 120%. With the rise of large phablet ownership, like the iPhone 6 or upcoming Nexus 6, these numbers are guaranteed to increase dramatically.


“71% of recipients delete emails which don’t look good on a smartphone.”


Mobile online traffic is increasing drastically. Every other person goes online from on the go, on a regular basis. 70% read their emails on mobile devices.  Spearheading consumers with newsletter campaigns during the holiday season requires a mobile newsletter to shine with the holiday spirit. There’s nothing worse than fuzzy graphics on a beautiful, new Retina display.


“8 seconds is the average length of one’s attention span“


Within only 3 - 4 seconds, the receiver makes his/her decision whether or not to open or delete an email - on the subway, at breakfast, or during a break. The most effective newsletter campaigns begin with the perfect subject and despite ever decreasing attention spans (average length only 8 seconds!), have to immediately win the reader over.

Success lies close at hand. It pays to make your newsletters mobile friendly when you really want to utilize the complete sales potential.

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