Text Perfect: Birthday Wishes

We've all been there: You've found the perfect birthday card, sit down to write a message and… nothing. Or even worse – you start writing and run out of steam halfway through! A little bit of creative inspiration can go a long way — that's why we made a new feature...

A real muscle man for weak batteries

Already on iOS 7? Have you found yourself turning off services to save battery life? Get tizi Kraftprotz and leave your fear of dead batteries behind! tizi Kraftprotz is your strong friend for weak batteries: It can recharge two USB devices simultaneously. iPad users...

Reach mobile target-groups with responsive newsletters

The new means and value of marketing has been around us for some time now. From YouTube subscribers to Twitter followers, and back again to Facebook-likers, businesses invest a lot of time and money gathering as many customers as possible via various social platforms....
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