The list keeps growing and growing...

VPN Tracker 5.4 now supports the newest SonicWALL NSA 240, bringing the list of devices it supports to over 350! Using Simple Client Provisioning (SCP), VPN Tracker clearly saves your business installation and administration costs. It takes the work and the worry out...

Another Milestone for VPN Tracker 5

VPN Tracker 5.2 is out and incorporates Simple Client Provisioning (SCP) for SonicWALL's gateway firmware. VPN deployment and management are almost effortless using Client Policy Provisioning, which enables VPN Tracker to download VPN configuration data directly from...

CocoaDevHouse Munich 2008 - a big success

Last weekend equinux hosted the third CocoaDevHouse Munich. Nearly 70 Cocoa developers from Switzerland, Austria and Germany joined the sessions that Martin Ott, member of equinux' development team, already organized. Wanna see some of his snapshots at flickr? See you...
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