Backing up your information, as you all should know, is extremely important. Especially when you have invested so much time and effort into creating, selling and shipping your auctions. We recognize this and now have a great solution for all you .Mac Users out there....
Engines are about to roar and we here at equinux are proud to say "iSale 2.1 Is Complete." So what does this mean for you? It means that it is time to:Start your engines! On your mark! Get set! GO!eBay Motors support has been the most requested feature from our US...
With iSale's new additions, you can search, save and jump directly to your favorite categories, preview your auction before submitting it to eBay (in the traditional eBay-style of course), and even post your auctions directly to your eBay Store. OK, that was the...
It was great to mingle with all you ebay users in San Jose. It was great to find so many Mac Users at eBay Live! We were able to impress many via live demonstrations of our Apple Design Award Winning (runner-up) application, iSale. This impressed many with its tight...
Hear ye, hear ye! iSale scores big at the Apple Design Awards. We would like to let all those using iSale know that our program has just received an Apple Design Award as a runner-up for the “Best Use of Mac OS X Tiger Technologies." To say we are happy, excited and...