We’ve just released our brand new digital TV receiver for the iPad 2, tizi go. It's really easy to use - you just plug tizi go into the dock connector on your iPad 2 and the tizi.tv app even opens automatically! It picks up digital TV (DVB-T / DTT), so you can...
The holidays are fast approaching and we’ve just released an update to Magic Mails, our app that lets you send email greeting cards from your iPad. Did somebody say “free”? That’s right, we’ve got a little early Christmas present for you all. Magic Mails is free...
Last Friday, we were following the european iPad 2 launch on twitter and saw lots of tweets from people waiting in line outside the Munich Apple Store. Some of them had been waiting overnight, so we thought we would go and reward them with a few freebies and...
Product release day is always an exciting time at equinux. Today is no different. Today's release of tizi is not just a groundbreaking iPhone and iPad release, it's the start of a new era of hardware products for the company. tizi is the perfect complement to your...
Have you ever wondered how they use chop sticks to eat ribs in Japan? During his frequent trips to Asia, equinux CEO Till often wonders how equinux apps might fare in the Japanese market. As a company based in Germany and the US and with little experience of Japanese...
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