Warning for SSL and HTTPS connections on OS X 10.9.1

„NSA is watching you“ and the „SSL Bug is biting you“: The current SSL Bug clearly shows the security risks buzzing around and attacking within our security channels on a daily basis. SSL and HTTPS connections on Mac OS X 10.9.1 are affected by the SSL Bug, the OS X...

Start 2014 with mobile-optimized newsletters

Over 50 percent of all emails are read on mobile devices – time to whip your newsletters into shape for the new year! Responsive email designs technology makes all the difference. And with Mail Designer Pro you can create stylish newsletters for the desktop as well as...

Reach mobile target-groups with responsive newsletters

The new means and value of marketing has been around us for some time now. From YouTube subscribers to Twitter followers, and back again to Facebook-likers, businesses invest a lot of time and money gathering as many customers as possible via various social platforms....

Why responsive emails matter

A few days ago we enhanced our productivity portfolio with Mail Designer Pro. You can create newsletters with responsive mail design without HTML programming. Today every second email is opened on a mobile Email communication still plays a very important role within...

Black Friday Sale!

Enjoyed your Thanksgiving turkey? Then let the shopping season begin! Until November 26th we're getting into the seasonal spirit with our annual Black Friday Sale! And this isn't just you run-of-the-mill sale: all our Black Friday offers are an incredible 50% off....
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