Mail Designer Pro 3.1.1: Leaner, faster-loading email newsletters

Faster loading newsletters with PNG image compression in Mail Designer Pro 3.1.1 Modern eye-catching newsletters tend to use a lot of images and large photos. That can lead to large overall email files sizes that will take longer to load. The latest Mail Designer Pro...

Mail Designer Pro 3.1 Update: Gmail is now 100% mobile optimized

Gmail is one of the most popular email providers in the world and the default email app on many Android phones – that's a lot of customers reading newsletters in the Gmail app. Until today, Gmail has only supported an 'optimized' newsletter view, where it would...

Compatibility overview: macOS Sierra and equinux apps

Apple's new operating system, macOS Sierra, is now available and we've been testing our apps with the newest system to optimize compatibility. The following equinux apps are ready for the jump to macOS Sierra! Important: Please make sure you have installed the newest...

More power for your plugs

The tizi Tankstelle is here! The newest generation of the German engineered, USB charging station Can good be made even better? Why not ask our tizi Gadget experts! We've pushed the power supply on our 4x USB charger up to maximum and fine-tuned the amenities, making...
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