Watch out! Mail Designer Pro 2.2 is here!


Are your newsletters really ready for Apple Watch? With the Mail Designer 2.2 update, you can optimize your design ideas for the newest Wearables. The following five new features give you even more control of your text workflows, design creations and inspiration. Here we go…

MD2.2WatchHands Up! Optimize emails for the new Apple Watch
You can create responsive designs for desktop, the newest smartphones, and now also for the Apple Watch: with an intuitive Plain Text Design Tool, your newsletter messages come across just as they should, even on Apple’s newest wearable trend. Optimize your message layouts for easy reading on the Apple Watch.

Look & Feel: Smart Apple Watch preview
Don’t have an Apple Watch? No problem, our nifty Apple Watch Preview shows you exactly how your newsletter message will look in real time! Virtually scroll through and edit your text and layout to create the coolest newsletters any wrist has ever seen!

Increase opening rates: Brand new Inbox Optimizing Tool
It only takes a few seconds for the recipient to decide whether or not to open your email.  It’s advisable to avoid email faux pas such as, “If you are unable to read this email, please click here” - totally lame! The Inbox Optimizing Tool transforms you into a true communications professional with the ability to tune your opening rate easily.

Spice up your subject lines and include creative text snippets which make your recipients more inclined to click and open your newsletter. Our Inbox Optimizer shows you everything as a preview as well.

Improved Picture Workflow: Support of Apple Photos App 
Do you have a huge collection of photos? Put them to use! Access your new OS X Photos library right within Mail Designer Pro. Just drag and drop your coolest photos from the newest Photos App from OS X 10.10.3 into your newsletter.

Force TouchThe Pressure’s on: Now you can design with Force Touch
Mail Designer Pro 2.2 is in perfect tune with the newest generation of MacBook tools. Increase your design productivity with Force Touch shortcuts on the latest trackpads. You’ll be surprised how easy you can force click to jump into background edit mode.

You’d like to get on board the creative train and download Mail Designer Pro 2.2? The app is still available for a short time at a upgrade price of only 49.99 EUR. Mail Designer Pro 2.2 is available for download in the equinux Online Store as well as in the Mac App Store.



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