tizi Survival Guide for a stress-free trip – Here are the 5 tizi gadgets you’ll need…


Tip 1: Don’t get lost…
Whether exploring  a new town or hiking in the mountains,  navigation apps such as, Google Maps, drain an awful lot of your smartphone battery. The tizi Flachmann and tizi Kraftprotz are there to keep your phone charged and ready so you can safely reach your destination. Just click the tizi Schlingel onto your backpack so you’ll always have a travel Lighting cable with you.

Tip 2: No speed limit for charging
Oh no! The kids forgot to charge their devices before the trip. No problem! With the tizi Turbolader 3x Mega, there’s enough power for everyone to re-charge their batteries while on the road.huette2-558x499Tip 3: Check in with a 4 star charger
These days, you’re likely to find an outlet in most hotels. But what if there’s really only ONE? Your solution is the tizi Tankstelle. Just plug it in and charge up to four gadgets at once! Need more room? Upgrade to 5 stars for only 10€ more with tizi Tankstation Mega.


Tip 4: It’s like an energy bar for your gadgetspowersnack

Is that a lighter or a charger? Even MacGyver would be jealous of this cool little charger. A perfect addition to any battery survival kit. The tizi PowerSnack uses 2 AA batteries to supply enough power for your devices so that they may also enjoy dessert.71q23doSI2L._SL1400_Tip 5: A lunchbox for your gadgets

Stop digging around the bottom of your bag to find SD cards and cables. tidy-up your gadget mess and maintain an overview. Use the snazzy tizi Köfferchen, a nifty little suitcase for your gadgets and accessories. And hey, you can even attach it to your belt!




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