Everyone's favorite translation tool for the Mac is back! Due to a recent Apple security update and some changes to the LEO translation database, some users had been experiencing problems with iTranslate - our free translation & Wikipedia search tool. We've fixed...
Dolby® Digital Surround sound Now MediaCentral supports Dolby® Digital Surround sound (AC3) - for the best DVD experience possible! Just hook your Mac up to your digital receiver, select the digital output and enjoy 5.1 surround sound. We have also added a new DVD...
Maczot and equinux will be offering the iSale Pro Pack containing three iSale licenses for only $29.99. That's a $20 savings I am not mistaken. Have a look for yourselves - Maczot.com.Note that you will need a login to see this article but that login is well worth it....
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