CoverScout 2.3 - iTunes' Best Buddy just got better

Sometimes, the Web is just not enough. Google Images and the local fansite won't find your original, one-of-a-kind, authentic, autographed album cover? And what about that homemade album cover you designed? Don't worry. CoverScout 2.3 is here with full webcam integration! Just hold your cover in front of a QuickTime™ compatible webcam (like the iSight™), capture and use the built-in cover editor to crop, scale or rotate the result. Then click to apply. That's it? That's it. The downside is that our testing library is now covered with images of developers trying to look like rock stars. But since they implemented these great new features and also fixed some known bugs, we just ignored that.

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This release is free for all registered users of CoverScout 2.x.


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