equinux inter-office winter games

At equinux we have a simmering office rivalry between Team USA and Germany during the big winter meeting. It's about to boil over.

Every time an American or German team reaches the top of the podium during the games, we'll give out a promo code for one of our products - but only valid for a really short time. Just first place. No silver, no bronze.

So how do you get the codes?

Just follow us on Twitter. Updates to the medal count with promo codes will be posted as they happen. Look out for tweets with the #Yeehaw or #Jawohl hashtags.

When the time is right, go to http://www.equinux.com/promo and redeem your code.

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.
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