OS X El Capitan is now available as a Public Beta. We've put together a short compatibility overview for you. Here’s a small summary of our experiences so far.
- Mail Designer: To send or not to send, that is the question. Don't worry with the latest El Capitan beta, Mail Designer 2 and Mail Designer Pro should work fine. More details here
- Spot Maps: Keep a clear overview of your networks. Spot Maps works seamlessly with El Capitan.
- CoverScout & SongGenie: Bring some color to your music library. In our early tests, both CoverScout and SongGenie worked without issue with El Capitan and the latest version of iTunes.
- Greeting Cards: Happy belated Birthday! Greeting Cards should work with the very latest El Capitan beta, however, since the Apple Mail app still seems to be changing quite a bit, we recommend holding off until the final version of El Capitan ships.
- iSale: Sell on eBay. iSale also supports El Capitan.
- tizi for Mac, TV for Mac and MediaCentral: Get your popcorn ready! Both tizi apps and MediaCentral will shine El Capitan.
- The Tube: Upgrade for more TV enjoyment. If you're using The Tube, we recommend you upgrade to tizi for Mac for El Capitan — not only will you be fully compatible with Apple's latest OS, you'll also get to enjoy new features like visual timeshift, recording, editing, and share features.