Our media center solution comes up with an enhanced TV module combining greater stability as well as a more fluid TV reception.
Also, usability is an issue in this maintenance release to enhance the application so you truly can enjoy it. If you wish to use the application in full screen mode you now have the possibility to display the menu bar by simply moving the mouse.
Additionally, we have expanded the manual content. Now it contains a detailed instruction of how to create radio or IP TV playlists, like M3U, PLS, ASX, and RAM. This allows you to easily add favorite radio or IP TV streams to MediaCentral by using the "My MediaCentral" folder concept.
As always, this maintenance release, MediaCentral 2.3.1, is free to all MediaCentral 2.x users, so be sure to update today. If you have yet to try out MediaCentral, be sure to get your free trial today.