Advanced mailto-links, poster images and more in Mail Designer Pro 3.2.2


Mail Designer Pro 3.2.3 adds some great new options to your creative email marketing toolkit:

Poster layout blocks – stylish header images for magazine-like layouts

We've added new layout blocks for one large poster image plus two or four smaller detail images. These are great for magazine-style layouts, or when you want to split a larger image up into multiple areas. Super flexible and looks stunning.


Faster footer layouts with social media links

We've also added layout blocks that combine a text area with four image areas. These are designed to make it easy to build a footer with contact details alongside your social media links.

Advanced email links for instant feedback

You can now build advanced email links that will pre-fill the subject line and message text when they're clicked. Add a "RSVP now" link for example and pre-fill a message with fields for the information you'd like people to reply with. Super handy if you're planning an event, or asking readers for feedback.


Other improvements

  • We've improved handling of transparent images under macOS Sierra 10.12.2
  • Image optimization is smarter about images with transparency and using JPGs
  • When you use the "Replace Image" feature, you can now dive into sub-folders as well
  • We've improved compatibility with email providers that use MD 5 Challenge / Response security

Download Mail Designer Pro 3.2.3 now.

Have fun with the new version and have a great creative start to 2017!
Your Mail Designer Team

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